Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Space: the signs of love. Космос: знаки любви. #2

Roscosmos Video Space: the signs of love.   Космос: знаки любви. #2 
tvroscosmos December 27, 2010 

From the Earth to orbit about 400 kilometers. It is this distance that now separates families and friends of the astronauts. While they will work in space, on Earth they will have to wait. And the wait is always harder. Six months of weightlessness - 152 days apart.Occasional phone calls and conversations directly connected with the Mission Control Center. Brief e-mails - so in the future. And now, before the start, separated by thickglass, they are trying to convey your feelings to those who remain on Earth. Who waves his hand, who pulls a stuffed toy - a talisman, sends a secret, one they know the signs or just looking, mentally trying to convey their words to loved ones. Space, as a test of the senses. Separation, as a proof of love. What can be more than signs of love from outer space?

Includes video clips of Soyuz TMA-20 launch on Dec 17, docking with ISS, and news conference with some of the memorable moments, especially ISS Flight Engineer Catherine Coleman talking with her family. Watch how stuffed animals are used between the astronauts and family members, especially the smiles :))

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