Thursday, December 30, 2010

NASA Space Shuttle Discovery Tank Scans Complete, New Small Cracks Detected

Cracked foam on external tank during fueling 
operations November 5, 2010 caused by cracking 
in top of two of 108 vertical stringers
Image credit: NASA
Technicians in the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida are essentially done with the latest round of X-ray type image scans of space shuttle Discovery's external fuel tank.

The computed radiography images of all 108 support beams, called stringers, on the outside of the external tank’s intertank section, which technicians began taking Sunday, are being evaluated by engineers.

However, preliminary analysis indicates small cracks were detected on the tops of three stringers on panel 6, which is on the opposite side of the tank from Discovery.  The newly detected cracks currently are under evaluation and there has been no decisions on what affect, if any, the these cracks will make on future plans.

The new data, along with previous testing and analysis, will help engineers and managers determine what caused other small cracks on the tops of two stringers during Discovery’s launch countdown on Nov. 5.

Space Shuttle Program managers are meeting this afternoon (December 30, 2010) to decide whether testing and analysis indicate modifications are needed on some of the stringers. If required, modifications would begin next Monday (Jan. 3, 2010).

X-ray radiography work on the external tank
Image Credit NASA


Aerojet AJ26 Engine Tested at NASA Stennis for Orbital Sciences Taurus II Launch Vehicle

Test firing of the Aerojet AJ26 engine  on Stennis 
Space Center E-1 test stand Dec. 17, 2010.

Image Credit: NASA

Aerojet AJ26 Rocket Engine Arrives at Stennis

Image Credit: NASA

Aerojet AJ26 Engine Test
Image Credit: Aerojet

Aerojet AJ26 Engine
Image Credit: Aerojet

Artist rendering of Taurus II on the
 launch pad at the Wallops Flight Facility
Image Credit: Orbital

Artist rendering of Taurus II Launch
Image Credit: Orbital

The second test 55-second test firing of the liquid-fueled Aerojet AJ26 engine at NASA's Stennis Space Center in Mississippi on December. 17, 2010. Test firing of 55 seconds on E-1 test stand and into 27-foot-deep flame deflector trench. One in sequence of development tests performed by NASA Stennis. Next hot fire test to verify tuning of engine control valves. Stennis has a long history of rocket engine testing going back through all the space shuttle engine tests and the Apollo Lunar program.

Taurus II
Two Aerojet AJ26 engines each with independent thrust vectoring will be used for first stage propulsion of Orbital Sciences Corp.'s Taurus II launch vehicle.The Aerojet AJ26 engine is an oxidizer-rich, staged-combustion LO2/Kerosene engine that achieves very high performance in a lightweight compact package. It is based on the NK-33 engine originally designed and produced in Russia for the Russian N1 lunar launch vehicle. Aerojet has developed and delivered over 1300 bipropellant engines typically using either monmethyl hydrazine (MMH) or hydrazine (N2H4) as fuel with nitrogen tetroxide (NOT) as oxidizer. Oxidizer and fuel streams meet and react to produce thrust. The Taurus II medium-class space launch vehicle is being developed to boost payloads into a variety of low-Earth and geosynchronous transfer orbits and to Earth escape trajectories. Taurus II will also be capable of supporting mid-inclination and polar orbiting spacecraft weighing 10,500 lbs. and 5,500 lbs., respectively.

Orbital Sciences Corporation
Orbital Sciences Corporation of Dulles, Va. is under a $1.9 billion commercial contract with NASA to provide eight cargo missions to the International Space Station from 2011 through 2015. NASA Stennis tests the rocket engines in the partnership agreement.  The first Taurus II mission will be flown in support of NASA's Commercial Orbital Transportation Services (COTS) cargo demonstration to the International Space Station. Taurus II Initial Launch Capability (ILC) is expected in the third quarter of 2011.
Aerojet Engine History in the News
Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched in 1977, and are the oldest operational spacecraft. At launch, each spacecraft carried two propulsion systems, a Delta-V system, including four 100 lbf and four 5 lbf monopropellant hydrazine thrusters made by Aerojet, and an attitude control system including 16 0.2 lbf monopropellant hydrazine thrusters. The Delta-V systems have long since been jettisoned, but the attitude control systems remain operational today. The 100 lbf thrusters are the original version of the thrusters intended for Orion’s crew module and the 0.2 lbf thrusters are the original version of the thrusters currently in use for the Global Positioning System Block IIR, and are similar to those newly in service for GPS Block IIF.




Orbital and Aerojet Complete Main Engine Lifetime Testing for Taurus II Space Launch Vehicle

Orbital’s Taurus II rocket:


Aerojet AJ26 Rocket Engine Arrives at Stennis:

Aerojet Propulsion Remains Operational as Voyager 1 Approaches Interstellar Space (Dec. 23, 2010)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Space: the signs of love. Космос: знаки любви. #2

Roscosmos Video Space: the signs of love.   Космос: знаки любви. #2 
tvroscosmos December 27, 2010 

From the Earth to orbit about 400 kilometers. It is this distance that now separates families and friends of the astronauts. While they will work in space, on Earth they will have to wait. And the wait is always harder. Six months of weightlessness - 152 days apart.Occasional phone calls and conversations directly connected with the Mission Control Center. Brief e-mails - so in the future. And now, before the start, separated by thickglass, they are trying to convey your feelings to those who remain on Earth. Who waves his hand, who pulls a stuffed toy - a talisman, sends a secret, one they know the signs or just looking, mentally trying to convey their words to loved ones. Space, as a test of the senses. Separation, as a proof of love. What can be more than signs of love from outer space?

Includes video clips of Soyuz TMA-20 launch on Dec 17, docking with ISS, and news conference with some of the memorable moments, especially ISS Flight Engineer Catherine Coleman talking with her family. Watch how stuffed animals are used between the astronauts and family members, especially the smiles :))

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Roscosmos launch of Proton-M and KA-SAT telecommunication satellite Dec 27 2010 at 00:51 Moscow time

Integrated Launch Vehicle (ILV)
Proton-M/Breeze M/KA-SAT
on Launch pad
Image Credit: Khrunichev 
Roscosmos will launch Proton-M with Breeze M upper stage and Eutelsat's KA-SAT spacecraft Dec 27, 2010 at 00:51 Moscow time from launch complex 200 at Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. TsENKI provides live TV and Internet broadcasts of space launches from Baikonur Cosmodrome. The launch will be televised on the internet at
Moscow Standard Time (MSK) is 3 hours ahead of UTC, or UTC+3. Launch time is  Dec 26, 2010 21:51 UT.
Integrated Launch Vehicle (ILV) =  Proton-M with Breeze M upper stage and KA-SAT

KA-SAT deployed

KA-SAT is a high-capacity Ka-band multi-beam satellite owned by European Telecommunications Satellite Organization (Eutelsat) configured with over 80 spotbeams. Spot beams draw smaller cells on the ground (beam footprint) and more efficiently use satellite transmission power. KA-SAT will be parked in geo-synchronous obit at at 13° E (some references say 9 deg East) near three Eutelsat HOT BIRD Ku-band broadcasting satellites. KA-SAT was built by Astrium on the Eurostar E3000 platform and has a 15 year life expectancy. KA-SAT is the first European satellite that will operate exclusively in high capacity Ka-band frequencies. With its High Throughput of 70 Gbps, KA-SAT is ranked as the world's most powerful satellite. It will provide satellite-delivered broadband and data services across Europe and the Mediterranean Basin.

Spot Beam Earth Coverage over Europe with KA-SAT

  • Downlink 27.5 GHz - 30.0 GHz
  • Uplink 17.7 GHz to 20.2 GHz
Proton-M Booster Rocket
Proton M Rocket Booster
  • Overall height 42.3 m (138.8 ft).
  • Three stages
  • Built by Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center
  •  A Proton M/Breeze M stack was first launched on April 7, 2001

First stage 
  • Length 21 m
  • Diameter 7.4 m 
  • Six RD-276 engines
  • Thrust 11.0 MN (2,500,000 lbf).
  • central fuel tank containing the nitrogen tetroxide (NTO) oxidizer  surrounded by six outboard fuel tanks containing Unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine (UDMH) hypergolic fuel
Second stage
  • Diameter 4.1 m (13.5 ft) 
  • Length 14 m
  • Three RD-0210 engines plus one RD-0211 engine 
  • Thrust  2.4 MN (540,000 lbf).
Third stage 
  • Diameter 4.1 m (13.5 ft) 
  • Length 2.61 m
  • RD-0213 engine
  • Thrust 583 kN (131,000 lbf)
  • Contains guidance, navigation, and digital control system

Breeze-M upper stage
  • Max. lift-off mass 22,500 (kg)
  • 14D30 liquid propellant engine (main)/1 ea./2000 kgf
  • 11D458 liquid propellant engines (vernier)/4 ea./40 kgf
  • 17D58E engines (attitude control and stabilization)/12 ea./ 1.36 kgf
  • Payload

Launch Sequence
The first three stages of the Proton-M use a standard ascent profile to place the Breeze M upper stage with KA-SAT into a sub-orbital trajectory. Breeze M maneuvers  the orbital unit to a circular parking orbit, then to an intermediate orbit, followed by a transfer orbit, and finally to a geostationary orbit. 

Proton-M first stage showing six RD-276
engines and UDMG fuel tanks
surrounding central N2H2 oxidizer tank
Image Credit: Roscosmos

Set up of Proton-M with Breeze-M upper stage 

and payload KA-SAT at Baikonur Cosmodrome, 

Kazakhstan site 200 launch facility

YouTube Video by Roscosmos

Proton-M/KA-SAT Launch Team
Image Credit Khrunichev
Roscosmos News:

KA-SAT Image Gallery at International Launch Services (ILS)

International Launch Services (ILS):
Mission description *** Excellent resource

Proton Breeze M/КА-SAT Integrated Launch Vehicle on Launch Pad

Update 12/27/2010:



Set up of Proton-M with Breeze-M upper stage and payload KA-SAT at Baikonur Cosmodrome, 

Kazakhstan site 200 launch facility

Saturday, December 25, 2010

ISRO GSLV Mission Fails

ISRO GSLV Launch Dec 25, 2010

Image Credit RIA Novosti

GSAT-5P Satellite launch fails
Image Credit: IBN Live

Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) launched GSLV-F06 earlier today at 4.04 p.m. IST but at approximately 47 seconds after lift off, the rocket deviated from its path when the gimbal steering system failed and the rocket exploded several seconds later as the GSLV reached an altitude of approximately 12 km and 4.5 km down range and fell into the Bay of Bengal.

This is the third unsuccessful launch in seven launch attempts of the ISRO GSLV. The launch of GSLV-D3 on April 15, 2010 failed due to a fuel pump anomaly on its cryogenic third stage. The launch of GSLV-F02 on July 10, 2006 failed.

GSAT-5P Satellite launch fails
Image Credit: IBN Live

GSAT-5P Satellite launch fails
Image Credit: IBN Live

GSAT-5P Satellite launch fails
Image Credit: IBN Live
GSAT-5P Satellite launch fails
Image Credit: IBN Live
GSLV-F06 Launch Failure Dec 25, 2010
Image Credit: Xinhua News 

GSLV-F06 Launch Failure Dec 25, 2010
Image Credit: Xinhua News 

Friday, December 24, 2010

JAXA H-IIB with H-II Transfer Vehicle 2 (HTV2) to launch January 20

JAXA is scheduled to launch its H-IIB Launch Vehicle No. 2 with H-II Transfer Vehicle 2 (HTV2) on January 20, 2011 at 3:29 p.m. (JST) from Tanegashima Space Center.

H-IIB Launch Vehicle No. 2 (H-IIB F2)
at the Tanegashima Space Center
Image Credit JAXA
A sucessful cryogenic test of the H-IIB Launch Vehicle No. 2 (H-IIB F2) was conducted at the Tanegashima Space Center on December 16, by JAXA and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. 

H-IIB Launch Vehicle
Image Credit JAXA
H-IIB Launch Vehicle
Height: 56.6 m
Mass 531 t
Inertial Guidance
First stage: 
     LE-7A LOX/LH2 with 2,196 kn thrust  - Gimbal attitude control
     four Solid Rocket Boosters (SRB-As) using Polybutadiene composite solid propellant with 9,220 kn thrust

Second Stage: 
     LE-5BLOX/LH2 with 137 kn thrust - Gimbal gas jet attitude control system

Large image at:

H-II Transfer Vehicle 2 (HTV2)
Image Credit JAXA

H-II Transfer Vehicle 2 (HTV2) named KOUNOTORI 2
Image Credit: NASA
H-II Transfer Vehicle 2 (HTV2) named KOUNOTORI 2 is an unmanned cargo transporter to the International Space Station) has been thoroughly inspected, and propellants loaded. Battery charge and loading on to H-IIB Launch Vehicle No. 2 remain before launch.

  • Scheduled date of launch: January 20 (Thursday), 2011 (Japan Standard Time, JST)
  • Launch time: ~ 3:29 p.m. (JST)
  • Launch windows: January 21 (Fri.) through February 28 (Mon.), 2011 (JST)
  • Launch Site: Yoshinobu Launch Complex at the Tanegashima Space Center

"The best environment where human beings can exhibit their utmost ability is in relaxed conditions with a comfortable level of tension against carelessness." - Yoshihiko Torano / JAXA HTV Project Manager


ISRO to Launch GSAT-5P on December 25, 2010 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre in India

Image Credit ISRO
Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is scheduled to launch GSAT-5P on December 25, 2010 from launch pad number 2 at Satish Dhawan Space Centre on a GSLV-F06 geosynchronous satellite launch vehicle. GSAT-5P is an advanced communications satellite to replace its INSAT-2E for telecommunication, television and meteorology services and will expand existing telecommunication and television bandwidth.


  • Fifth in the GSAT series
  • Developed by the ISRO Satellite Centre in Bangalore
  • C-band communication satellite
  • 12 normal C-band transponders
  • six extended C-band transponders
  • scheduled launch Dec 25, 2010
  • mass 2,310 kg
  • mission life 12 years

GSLV Image Credit: ISRO

Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV)

  • Height: 49 m
  • lift off weight: 414 tonne 
  • maximum diameter of 3.4 m at the payload fairing. 
  • First stage comprises S125 solid booster with four liquid (L40) strap-ons. 
  • Second stage (GS2) is liquid engine
  • Third stage (GS3) is a cryo stage. 
  • Lift off thrust of 6573 kn. 
  • Payload range: 2000 – 2,500 kg

Image Credit ISRO

  • launched by Ariane-42P launch vehicle (Ariane 4 with two solid-fuel boosters) of Arianespace from Kourou, French Guyana on April 3, 1999 at 3.33 am IST
  • last satellite in the second genaration INSAT-2 series built by ISRO
  • Geostationary Orbit at 83 degree East Longitude
  • 440 nt thrust Liquid Apogee Motor (LAM) built by Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre, Thiruvananthapuram
  • perigee 32,100 km
  • apogee 35,925 km
  • inclination to equator 0.15 deg
  • orbital period ~ 22 hours 27 minutes
  • continuously remains within the radio visibility of INSAT Master Control Facility at Hassan in Karnataka

Image Credit ISRO


Indian Space Research Organisation (ISO)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Space shuttle Discovery is back in the Vehicle Assembly Building

Space Shuttle Discovery
STS-124 Launch May 31,2008
External tank is bright orange
Photo credit: NASA
Space shuttle Discovery is back in the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB this morning Tuesday December 22, 2010. There was a crawler problem that delayed move from Launch Pad 39A until late last night (10:48 p.m. EST).  The problem with the crawler was a sensor in the crawler level control system.

While in the Vehicle Assembly Building, the shuttle's external tank will be radiographed to look for cracks in all 108 stringers. Sensors from the recent tanking test will be removed and foam reapplied. A decision is expected next week (December 30)  by NASA project managers on a possible engineering modification to install stiffeners on 36 stringers in the external fuel tank.

Mike Moses, NASA Space Shuttle Program Launch Integration manager, said the results from the tanking test on December 17, 2010 looked good although it would take a few weeks to fully analyze them.

A launch attempt on November 5, 2010 was scrubbed a hydrogen leak was found on the Ground Umbilical Carrier Plate (GUCP) which is an attaching point between the external tank and a ventilation pipe for a  7 inch quick disconnect. Cracks in foam led to discovery of cracks in the tops of two stringers. Repairs were made. No leak at the GUCP was detected during the December 17 tanking test. The space shuttle external tank has a capacity of 535,000 gallons of liquid oxygen (LOX) and liquid hydrogen (LH2). Liquid oxygen is boiling point is 90.19 K (−297.33 °F, −182.96 °C). Liquid hydrogen boiling point is −252.87 °C (−423.17 °F, 20.28 K).

Space Shuttle Discovery in the Vehicle Assembly Building
December 22. 2010 after completing 3.4 mile roll back from Launch Pad 39A. Photo credit: NASA TV

Cutaway diagram of the space shuttle
external fuel tank showing the stringers


Cracked foam on external tank during fueling
operations  November 5, 2010 caused by cracking
in top of two of 108 vertical stringers
Photo credit: NASA
 cracks were on two of the 108 stringers

Tank repairs to the GUCPPhoto credit: NASA
Removing vent line at the GUCP during external tank repair
Photo credit: NASA

Removing vent line at the GUCP during external tank repair
Photo credit: NASA

External Fuel Tank with sensors attached 

for tanking test on December 17, 2010.
Photo credit: NASA

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Robonaut 2 will be the First Human-like Robot in Space

Image Credit: NASA

Robonaut 2 or R2 will be the the first human-like robot in space when the Leonardo Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM) is launched with STS-133 no earlier than 3 February 2011. R2's systems and control functions will be the first human-like robot demonstrated in near-zero gravity. Robonaut 2, was developed through a Space Act Agreement jointly by NASA and General Motors as a robotic assistant that can work along side humans, whether they are astronauts in space or workers at GM manufacturing plants on Earth. R2 will be the first human-like robot to move its head and stretch its arms in microgravity. R2 consists of a head and a torso with two arms and two hands. Each arm fully extended can apply ~89 nt or ~ 20 lbf, Each finger can apply a force of ~22.2 nt or ~5 pounds. After being unpacked, it will initially R2 will be anchored in one place in the Destiny Laboratory on the ISS for operational testing. It has been ground tested to ensure it does not emit interfering electromagnetic radiation (called EMI or electromagnetic interference) with near by electronics Its materials meet stringent flammability requirements. It has been shake tested for launch conditions. Its cooling fans are very low noise emitters and it has been tested to ensure it is not too loud and not a noise distraction for ISS crew members. It runs on DC power.

Mass: 150 kg
Materials: Nickel-plated carbon fiber and aluminum.
Height: ~ 1 m(from waist to head
Shoulder width: ~0.788 m
Arm span: ~2.44 m
Sensors: 350+, total
Processors: 38 Power PC Processors located in its stomach torso region
Power requirement: 120 Volt DC
54 Servo Motors 
External control: ISS crew or ground control initiation of autonomous tasks with pre-programmed self checks.

  • four visible light cameras behind its visor - two for stereo vision, plus two auxiliary 
  • infrared camera housed in mouth area for depth perception
Degrees of freedom: 42, total with
  • 3 degrees of freedom in its neck, allowing it to look left, right, up, or down 
  • 7 degrees of freedom in its arms 
  • 12 degrees of freedom in its hands 
  • 4 degrees of freedom in the thumb 
  • 3 degrees of freedom each in the index and middle fingers 
  • 1 each in the ring and pinky fingers

Once its demonstration capabilities have been proven inside the station, software upgrades and lower bodies can be added, potentially allowing Robonaut 2 to move around inside the station doing mundane tasks such as cleaning filters and vacuuming and eventually working outside the ISS.

Robonauts may one day be performing EVA tasks on the ISS or in other missions such as satellite servicing. Robonauts have a future in comet and NEO exploration such as sample surveys and mapping projects, solar system missions, or Mars and Lunar landings leading the way for humans.

Robonaut2 or R2 manipulating a 20-pound weight
Image Credit: NASA

Robonaut 2 robots were designed to use the same tools as humans.

Image Credit: NASA
Chris Ihrke, senior project engineer for General Motors,
works with R2 at Johnson Space Center.

Image Credit: NASA
Robonaut2 and STS-133 crew members
in front of Destiny lab trainer

Image Credit: NASA

 the Permanent Multipurpose Module in the Space Shuttle
 Discovery Cargo Bay which is packed with
supplies,critical spare parts, as well as Robonaut 2

Future exploration possibilities
Image Credit: NASA

Remember Captain Pike from Star Trek. He could be coming to a space station orbiting your planet soon.

NASA to launch R2 to join Space Station Crew
Image Credit: NASA


NASA Press Kit October 2010 Expedition 25 and 26 A New Decade Begins:

Robonaut2, the Next Generation Dexterous Robot:

NASA Robonaut2 Fact Sheet:

NASA, GM Take Giant Leap in Robotic Technology:

NASA to Launch Human-Like Robot to Join Space Station Crew:

Friday, December 17, 2010

Soyuz TMA-20 Docks with ISS - December 17, 2010

Soyuz spacecraft docked to the Rassvet  Module
The Soyuz TMA-20 with three person crew including NASA's Cady Coleman, Russian Dmitry Kondratyev and Italian Paolo Nespoli docked with the Rassvet module of the ISS at 20:11 UT on 17-December-2010. The docking occurred over western Africa at an altitude of 386 km. The Soyuz docking probe then retracted to allow hooks and latches to bring the spacecraft to a firm seal with the station. The three new Expedition 26 residents join station commander Scott Kelly, Alexander Kaleri and Oleg Skripochka.

The Soyuz completed a roll maneuver and a station flyaround before aligning with the docking port and energuzed its headlight headlight to illuminate the docking module. The docking was live on NASA-TV with images provided by a monochrome camera of the automatic docking. The automated docking system is a radar-based system  to maneuver towards the station for docking.  

Docking alignment

Closing in

Very close


Final ISS configuration

SOYUZ TMA-20 Mission Patch

SOYUZ TMA-20 crew:
Catherine ColemanNASA
Dmitri KondratyevRoscosmos
Paolo NespoliESA